Story: The Rise of Maargog
Here-in contains as much of the early history of Maargog, Emperor of Da'rahad and Wielder of the Dark Magic of the Undead, that is known by the Elders of Effrendell - the most powerful and wise of the Elven folk:
No one among the living knows for sure where Maargog came from, how old he is, or even if Maargog is his true name. There are rumors that a Red Dragon named Ashardalon who lives in the Northern Wildlands has knowledge of Maargog's past, but no one has been able to approach that dragon.
It is not known how long Maargog had been making his plans, or all the things he did before, but he became known to the Elders of Effrendell when he led a military coup against the Middle Kingdoms of Men and quickly rose to the title of Emperor - a title that he gave to himself - and declared a new kingdom called Da'rahad. Maargog took the great city of Thasdook, the largest city in the world, and declared it as his new capital. When challenged by the Elves as to the legal right of his authority, for he is not descendent from any known royal family, he replied that his authority comes from a secret society of Kings, older than any of the peoples of this world. When asked what the name of this society was, and where their authority comes from, he simply replied, "if I told you then it would no longer be a secret".
Maargog also gave himself another title - Wielder of the Dark Magic of the Undead. No one has demonstrated skill and authority in the dark arts like Maargog. This magic comes from demons - from those who are members of the Fallen Ones. Anyone who practices it becomes their slave and is doomed to carry out their will upon the land of the living, but not so with Maargog. He commands demons and they obey him. No other person has ever had such power, and no one among the living knows his secret - of how he gained this authority.
Maargog quickly established secret agreements with powerful allies who were already under the influence of the Dark Magic of the Undead. He convinced the Drow Peoples who dwell underground in the North Eastern Wildlands to join together into a Confederacy under his leadership, and also secured allegiance from Ashardalon the Ancient Red Dragon who controls the Monster Races in the Northern Wildlands.
Maargog soon took many wives, one of whom was a powerful and cunning woman named Shreeva. She became the Emperor's favored wife, not because he had any feeling of affection toward her personally, but because she possessed a special skill that made her a powerful weapon - Dream Walking. This skill allows the Emperor to influence the leaders of other kingdoms, planting false visions of destiny into their hearts. There are some who achieve lucid dreaming, while others advance farther when they discover their own dream space has a door. Through that door is the Collective Dream Space, a dimension that connects all the dreams of everyone among the living. From the dream collective one can observe the dreams of others and enter through their door to influence the dream narrative. And because every person without exception assumes dreams can be messages about destiny, a false dream can prove very helpful when stirring up political dissention and trying to start a civil war.
The Elven Elders alone knew from the Sacred Writings, passed down from the Ancient Stewards, where the source of Maargog's power came from and the name of his secret society - indeed he was the great Agent of Darkness whom the Fallen Ones, (the Circle of Kings and their Legions) had chosen to build a new kingdom of darkness across the Known World. So the Elves immediately declared war on Maargog and Da'rahad.
But, because the other peoples of the world had not embraced the Knowledge of the Most High, they did not join with the Elves. Instead they entertained trade agreements with Da'rahad despite all the warnings the Elves could give. And it proved to be their downfall, for the Emperor quickly moved forward with his plans and soon the Southern Kingdoms of Men and the Kingdoms of the Dwarves fell under his control.
After these swift victories the rest of the world began to realize that Maargog needs to be resisted before it is too late. But it may already be too late, for there are rumors that his spies have infiltrated every other kingdom, including the Elves, and his powerful spells are already at work in the hearts and minds of every living king…
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