Atlas: The Middle Kingdoms of Men
Located between the Sea of Kraag to the east, the Kaladron Wilderness to the west, the Half-Orc Kingdoms to the north, and the Southern Kingdoms of men, they are currently under the rule of Maargog the Emperor.
The captial city used to be Thasdook, the largest city in the Known World, but now that Thasdook has become the Capital of Da'rahad, the Emperor declared that the remote location of Clorn in Hallwyn be converted from a military outpost to a new administrative center of government for the rest of the Middle Kingdoms, as a demonstration of the Emperor's "generosity" in allowing his subject kingdoms to "rule" themselves.
Their herald symbol represents the achievements of the Middle Kingdoms of Men in the area of horse breeding and combat. They are the best riders in all the Known World.