Adventure: The Zombie Outbreak

For 2-3 Players
Introduction for Players - The Zombie Outbreak
For first time players, please read the Campaign Overview on this site's home page. Then, read the Introduction to the Ministry of Heroes.
NOTE: This adventure introduction provides information that only the Players will know, and not any of the Hero or NPC. While the Heroes will eventually discover a connection between the Kobold Sorcerer named Klak and Count Strahd from Ravenloft, they will not know the full extent of Klak's story.
Klak's First Journey:
A number of years ago, (in the year 3014), after a failed assassination attempt on the Half-Orc King Ul'derrin and a group of Heroes from D'nashk Re'at, (see the Adventure: The Wizard and the Dragon), Maargog ordered a Kobold Sorcerer named Klak from the Northern Wildlands to put together a team of Monster Soldiers and retrieve the body of the fallen Green Dragon. Klak immediately departed with a group of Kobolds and traveled to the Southern Orc Territories to secure a large enough sailing vessel and additional Monsters Soldiers from the Orcs.
Under Klak's leadership the Monsters were successful in making a night time raid on the cave, located a few miles from the western most Half-Orc Fortress, and removed the body of the Green Dragon. From there they followed Maargog's orders to bring the Dragon back to the Northern Wildlands and then transport it to the Valley of the Undead. For a long season that followed, Klak was trained by some of Maargog's most powerful Agents of Darkness (the Lich Kings) to increase his skill in the Dark Magic of the Undead. During that time, he was able to create a Phylactery crystal and then summon and imprison the soul of the Green Dragon within it. He was also given a second Dragon Corpse who had been executed by Ashardalon for rebellion. This second body was temporarily being preserved from rapid decay by a spell, and with it came a small clay statue containing flesh infected with the Disease of the Undead and instructions on how to combine it with the corpse to unleash a Zombie Dragon.

Klak's Second Journey:
In the year 3020, after the attempted invasion of D'nashk Re'at led by Ashardalon the Ancient Red Dragon failed, (see the Adventure: The Wrath of Ashardalon), Klak was summoned to Thasdook by Maargog through a portal and given instructions to take a force of Monster Soldiers and transport both Dragon bodies far to south, to the eastern border of D'nask Re'at. Klak obeyed and the Monster party proceeded from the Valley of the Undead to the coast of the Waters of Haal, then south by sea to the Kaladron Wilderness, then slowly and carefully along the edge of the mountains to a predetermined rendezvous point. There Klak was met by spies from the Southern Kingdoms of Men who were familiar with a secret trail that connects the Barovia area in D'nashk Re'at. Klak ordered the Orc Soldiers to wait and guard the Dragon Corpse who was still being preserved from decay, then divided the bones of the Green Dragon among his Kobolds to carry along the mountain trail.
Klak was led by the spies from the Southern Kingdoms of Men to a hidden cave entrance under Castle Ravenloft, and there he met with Count Strahd and the Wraith Agent of Darkness who had performed the Dark Magic Ceremony needed to convert the Count into a new Vampire blood line. Klak stayed for a number of days and shared much of his knowledge of the Dark Magic of the Undead. Before leaving, he gave the Count the Phylactery with the imprisoned soul of the Green Dragon and the bones from the Dragon's body. In return, Count Strahd gave Klak the Icon of Ravenloft as both payment and a sign of devotion to Maargog, Wielder of the Dark Magic of the Undead.
Klak's Third Journey:
Continuing his master's orders, Klak and his Kobold Soldiers returned to the Orcs who were waiting with the second Dragon. From there, the spies from the Southern Kingdoms of Men led the party farther south a few more days to another secret trail into D'nashk Re'at territory. This trail led all the way to the Grey Forest on the other side of the mountains, ending at a series of caves near a small village named Durkel. This village was the farthest point of the Royal Guard patrols from Greystone Castle. Because the Dragon Corpse was too large to maneuver through the trails, the Orc Soldiers were instructed again to stay with it until Klak was able to transport it using Dark Magic. Klak fastened the Icon of Ravenloft and cast a spell over it that would allow him to locate its position remotely. When the party finally reach the caves outside of Durkel Village, Klak performed another spell and the Dragon Corpse was gathered to him. The Orcs Soldiers were then released from duty and began their long journey back to the Northern Wildlands.
It was only a few days later when news of the Count's defeat and the Royal Family's declaration of war against Da'rahad was made known to Maargog through his network of spies. His anger and frustration was building and he summoned Klak the Sorcerer one last time through a portal to Thasdook. There he commanded him to unleash the Zombie Dragon and decimate the people of D'nashk Re'at with the Disease of the Undead. Klak returned and obeyed his master's orders.
The Heroes' Journey:
In Landreer, the Warning Signal from Greystone Castle was seen in the twilight hours and reported to the Captain of the Royal Guard on duty. The city was put on high alert and a large patrol was dispatched to investigate. They were met half way by a single, desperate rider from Greystone Castle with terrible news that a zombie outbreak has occurred, coming from the Grey Forest direction. Immediately, when this news reached the Royal Family, a new group of Heroes were gathered and tasked with slowing down the spread of the disease, discovering it's source, and purging the land with fire as necessary.
The Heroes journeyed with much haste to Greystone Castle. When they arrived in the early morning hours the land was covered in a thick fog and the stench of death was heavy in the air. As they approached the drawbridge that connects Greystone Castle to the edge of the Lake, they announced themselves with a horn blast. Immediately the Guards from the Castle Walls began shouting and signally the Heroes to hold back and be on alert. In a few moments, a single Guard came out of the main gate and stood on the edge of the drawbridge declaring that they are not willing to let it down, for just last night a wave of Zombies tried to cross over to the Castle. Pointing into the Lake, a horrible sight was beheld in the pale morning light - many bodies below the surface of the water, twitching from the Disease of the Undead.
Aghast with horror, the Heroes instructed the Guard to return to safety and wait until they performed their solemn duty as the Ministry of Heroes. Strict warning was given to avoid all contact with the Lake water in this area until enough time has passed and it is purified. With power from the King's Seal to protect them, a terrible task was conducted as the Heroes systematically removed each victim from of the Lake, rendered them incapable of attacking others, and finally purged them all with fire.
When this grueling service was finished, the Heroes summoned the Guard again with a horn blast. He then counseled them to follow the road along the north of the Lake and into the Grey Forest. There they will find Durkel Village. Beyond that, there is a known series of caves on the edge of the mountains, but that is all the information he has at this time...
Area Map
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Adventure Summary for GM
Warning: the information presented below is a spoiler alert for Players...
This Adventure assumes players have access to all three box sets of the Wrath of Ashardalon, Castle Ravenloft and the Legend of Drizzt. It is designed to run with 2-3 Heroes and 1 Summoned Ally. Only the Overview is presented below - a detailed PDF and supporting files are available through the [Download GM Guide] button above, or by going directly to the Downloads page (see top navigation).
See the information in Adjusted Board Game Rules for details about the roll of the GM, a list of Adjusted Out-of-Box rules, suggestions for managing Encounter Cards, and guidelines for using combined Dungeon Tiles from the Ashardalon, Ravenloft and Drizzt Box sets to build well-structured Chambers.
In Episode 1 (Durkel Village), players must follow the road from Greystone Castle to Durkel Village. There they must clear the streets and all of the houses from undead monsters, and then converge on the Village Temple where the Zombie Dragon resides, (supported by Zombies and Blazing Skeletons).
In Episode 2 (Klak's Hideout), players must follow the river from Durkel Village until they find a cave opening. Then they must wander the caves until they find the first chamber with a Flesh Golem (supported by Zombie and Skeleton). Then they must continue on to the second chamber with Klak (supported by Kobold Skirmishers and Dragonlords).
The Curse of the Undead:
In this Adventure Series, it is possible for Heroes to be infected with the Curse of the Undead if they receive damage from a Zombie or a Ghoul. This curse is represented by a Shield Marker. As long as a Hero has this condition, s/he will endure -1 to all Attacks against the Undead. This condition can be removed with Holy Water, or with a Healing/Removal of Condition from another Hero, from a Combat Reward Card or by starting the next Episode (which gives enough time for the King's Seal to heal the Hero).
Example Well-Formed Chambers:
Durkel Village

Klak's Hideout

Board Game Details:
Adjusted Board Game Rules for D&D Adventure Series (for Campaign Setting)

Monsters :
Count Strahd von Zarovich
Flesh Golem
Gravestorm (Dracolich)
Howling Hag
Klak (Kobold Sorcerer)
Zombie Dragon
Blazing Skeleton (x 3)
Gargoyle (x 3)
Kobold Skirmisher (x 3)
Rat Swarm (x 3)
Skeleton (x 3)
Spider (x 3)
Wolf (x 3)
Wraith (x 3)
Ghoul (x 3)
Zombie (x 3)
Allisa (Human Ranger)
Arjhan (Dragonborn Fighter)
Immeril (Eladrin Wizard)
Kat (Human Rogue)
Thorgrim (Dwarf Cleric)
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