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Story: Tales From the First Age

Here-in contains the tale of the beginning of all things, according to the Sacred Writings passed down from the Ancient Stewards to the Elves, and according to the understanding of the Elders of Effrendell - the most powerful and wise of the Elven folk.


Though there may be many intelligent and powerful beings whose origins are from the dawn of time and who are worshipped by the peoples of the world as gods, according to the Sacred Writings there is One that stands above them all - the Most High, the Creator of the Universe. 


Soon after the universe was formed by the Most High, a race of people called the Ancient Stewards were born.  They walked with the Most High and saw his power and glory and wisdom. To them was given the Magic of Nature, and with this power came responsibility for stewardship over the cosmos and over all the creatures the Most High would make.


The Most High created all the creatures that dwell within the Known World, and all of the peoples: The Elves, the Humans, the Dwarves and the Halflings.  And to each he assigned Ancient Stewards to watch over them.  And for a time all of creation lived in harmony, and peace was known throughout the lands. The Most High walked among the peoples and they enjoyed his presence, and the Knowledge of the Most High stretched from one end of the world to the other.

But some Ancient Stewards rejected wisdom and were filled with pride.  "Why should we be servants?" they wondered. "Especially over these dull and ignorant peoples?  Do we not possess the power of the Magic of Nature?  Shouldn't they be serving us?"  And in their pride they came together to form a secret society called the Circle of Kings.  Their number was five and one of them - Da'rook - was more clever than the rest. He convinced the others to let him be their leader and guide, saying "we are all equals, my friends, and together we shall take over this world and prove to the Most High that we too are gods and should be treated as equals with him.  We shall force him to hear our demands!"


"Now go," Da'rook commanded the others, "and gather as many Stewards as you can and we will form them into Legions.  Then each of you as Kings, with your Legions, shall approach the peoples of the world. One to the Elves, one to the Humans, one to the Dwarves and one to the Halflings.  Tell them that we shall join together and be gods, and force the Most High to recognize us!" And it was so.  As many as one third of the Ancient Stewards were convinced, and they were divided into the four groups. And each went to one of the peoples of the world - one to the Elves, one to the Humans, one to the Dwarves and one to the Halflings.


Though the peoples of the world enjoyed the presence of the Most High, they proved to be dull in wit, weak in will, and foolish in decision, and they all agreed to follow the new "gods", for they too wanted to be like gods and wanted to be seen as equal with the Most High.  With excitement the members of the Circle of Kings returned to Da'rook and reported their great success. And with pride Da'rook, together with his Circle of Kings and with representatives of all the peoples of the world approached the throne room of the Most High and made their declaration - "see what we have done?  Now, sit with us and hear our demands!"

While the Ancient Stewards and the peoples of the world had seen the Most High's power, glory and wisdom, they had not yet seen his anger.  When the Most High rose from his throne He was frightening to behold, and the company shrank back in fear and trembling.  The Most High raised his hand over them and said:


"What is this wicked thing that you have done? Why have you rejected wisdom and embraced pride? Have I not given you all things? Have I not given you the Magic of Nature?". 


And He pronounced judgement over the Circle of Kings and all of the Legions that followed them:


"Because you have gathered in secret, because you have stood between me and the peoples of the world, because you have divided the world and set yourself as lords over them - you are now cursed and shall be bound in darkness.  You shall no longer be called Stewards by the peoples of the world, but shall be known as the Fallen Ones; You shall not see my Face unveiled or know my Secret Name that I share with those that love Me; You shall not advance in the power and wisdom of the Magic of Nature, but instead shall be thrust into the darkness of the Magic of the Undead; You shall never know all the work that I have done from the beginning until the end, and you shall not enjoy the Great Banquet at the end of the ages;"


And He pronounced judgement over the peoples of the world:


"Because you too have rejected wisdom and chosen to follow these wicked ones, you shall be slaves to them and you shall not enjoy the peace and unity that comes from love, but shall be divided and pushed into war with each other. I will also limit the number of days you may walk among the living: For the Elf - 750 years; For the Human - 120 years; For the Dwarf - 375 years; And for the Halfling - 240 years. This will be your punishment until the day comes when a remnant of your people will rise up as one man and pierce the heart of darkness with the light of the sun.  In those days, the Kingdom of Summer will stretch from one end of the Known World to the other, and you will once again walk with me and know my lasting peace."


And they were all cast out of the Throne Room of the Most High.


And thus began the Second Age.

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