Story: The Way Maker

Queen Aolin noticed that her husband, King Eletroth of Effrendell, was not himself. For many days now he had been irritated, forgetful and unusually angry with other people. Had she enough time to counsel him to see the Royal Physicians she might have discovered earlier that he had been the target of an assassination attempt, and that his symptoms were being induced by the horrid Elven Cursed Water - but events proceeded too rapidly at that time and the diagnosis came too late.

Word of the release of the Balor from Thasdook and the destruction of Kel'Calathorn came immediately the same night from the King's Seers. King Eletroth and Queen Aolin were devastated at the news, for they knew at once that their daughter, Princess Alta, was involved. In that moment, the Omen of the Most High spoke, but only Aolin could hear as the Omen reminded her of private conversations with Cur'Raden in their shared lucid dream some time ago. King Eletroth, however, flew into a rage against Maargog and left the room, demanding the Elders of Effrendell wake and gather for an emergency meeting.
The Elders of Effrendell responded and they came together, and they too were devastated by the news. But when Eletroth pressed in on them to prepare a force to march on Thasdook they unanimously opposed the idea. Only a unified military response from all three Kingdoms could have any chance of making a difference, and all of them knew that the Drow always waited and watched for opportunity to invade the Northern Kingdom. Of course, they were right, but King Eletroth still flew into a rage and cursed them and stormed out of the gathering. Queen Aolin met him and tried her best to counsel him, based on the Omen of the Most High, and tried to remind him of the things that were spoken of by Cur'Raden - that a time of great darkness was coming and the Royal Family of Effrendell would feel the sting of death personally, but they must take heart and carry on through the storm. For the dawn will follow and those lost for a moment would be returned.
But the King would not receive her counsel. His anger turned toward the Most High and he startled his Queen with a whispered curse against the Most High. Then he left her to wander the Gardens of Eranolin alone.
It was the next morning when the mystery of his countenance began to unfold. He did not return to the Royal Bed Chamber and Queen Aolin sent guards to search for him. They returned with news that he had been found unconscious and taken to the Royal Physicians. Not only that, but the Royal Taster was also found unconscious and had been displaying all the same symptoms as the King. The Physicians concluded that they were poisoned by Elven Cursed Water - oderless, tasteless, and slow acting, making it impossible to determine when the King had come into contact with it. This could only mean one thing, that a traitor who had access to the King's food walked among them.
Had it not been for the Omen of the Most High in that moment, the Queen would have fallen into despair. None-the-less, she was overwhelmed with sorrow, and she separated herself from all the others, retired to the private Royal Chapel, and laid on the floor alone to weep.
The next morning, messengers from the King of Washonan, Middle Kingdom of the Elves, arrived at both the Northern and Southern Kingdoms requesting a counsel of Kings and Elders. Since King Eletroth was in a deep coma, Queen Aolin went in his place. All assumed that the meeting concerned the events that had come to pass at Kel'Calathorn, and the assassination attempt on King Eletroth (for the Middle and Southern Kings had also been informed by their Seers), but the King of Washonan began the meeting with a quite unexpected topic - Cur'Raden, the Prophet in the Wilderness.
"This individual is the greatest threat to the survival of Elf Society, and must be dealt with as soon as possible," he argued in front of the Counsel.
"What are you talking about? " asked Queen Aolin. "Is this the reason for our meeting? Have you not heard of the events of the previous day, and the fate of my daughter and my husband?"
"Your daughter is serving a different Kingdom, and your husband's attacker is unknown. We cannot deal with those problems right now. The Prophet in the Wilderness, however, is in danger of tearing down our long standing alliance and partnership, and that is exactly what our enemy in Da'rahad wants!"
The Queen was beside herself with rage and chose to remain silent until she could gather her response.
But the Kings and Elders of the Southern Elves spoke up. "We do not see how Cur'Raden is a threat, and why we must take action against him at this time."
"He speaks against the Elf Leadership with unfounded accusations. He makes claims of corruption but offers no proof, " answered the King of Washonan.
"Yes, but he is more powerful in the Magic of Nature than any who have come before him. So if he says there is corruption, then perhaps we should ask him for more details?"
"Are you sure it is the Magic of Nature that empowers him? Perhaps it is the Dark Magic of the Undead!" cried the Washonan King.
At this they all began to argue with one another. And as the group descended into verbal conflict, Queen Aolin's eyes began to open as the Omen of the Most High came upon her. She fixed her gaze upon the King of Washonan and her suspicion began to grow. With her anger now focused, she rose from her seat and declared in a commanding voice, "exactly which of us is Cur'Raden speaking about? Who in the Elf Leadership is corrupted?"
At this, the Counsel fell silent. The King of Washonan returned Aolin's gaze and responded, "like I said, his accusations are unfounded. As far as I'm concerned, if he accuses one of us, he accuses all of us."
And their discussion would have carried on from there had it not been for the cry of a Giant Eagle. To the astonishment of all that were gathered, a person arrived in the middle of the group on the back of an Eagle. When he stepped down to reveal himself, it was Cur'Raden, dressed as an Elf Priest. As the Eagle flew off, he addressed the Counsel with a calm and commanding tone: "Why has this Counsel been gathered about me, but no one invited me? Here I am. What questions do you have for me?"
"Why do you bear the robes of a Priest? Do you not know that it is forbidden to impersonate anyone of authority in Elf Society? Do you not know it is forbidden to interrupt a Counsel of Kings and Elders?" asked the King of Washonan.
"And do you not know that is is forbidden by the Knowledge of the Most High to impersonate a follower of the Most High and to lead the People astray?", answered Cur'Raden. And the King of Washonan fell silent. His anger burned within, causing his body to shake.
Cur'Raden then addressed the Counsel, "Does a King have authority to interrupt the Counsel? Does a Priest of the Most High have authority to display the colors of his Priesthood in public? I declare unto thee - my authority comes directly from the Throne Room of the Most High!" And the Counsel gasped in astonishment at his words, and they all began to whisper to each other.
A King from the Southern Kingdoms asked, "are you the Champion of the Most High, spoken of in the Sacred Writings?"
"It is as you say, " answered Cur'Raden.
"Blasphemy! " cried the King of Washonan. "You are an Agent of Darkness sent by Maargog to destroy the unity of the Elf Kingdoms! What proof do you have of corruption?"
"Most of you have turned your hearts away from the Most High, " was Cur'Raden's response. "You have forgotten your place among the Peoples of the Known World. You have treated the Knowledge of the Most High as if it were a secret. You have mistaken the Will of the Most High, for He wants to share the Magic of Nature with all Peoples. Indeed, even the Monster Races!"
This was too much for most of the Counsel to accept. Many more were insulted besides the King of Washonan. And a great debate sprang forth. Cur'Raden fell silent and let them argue back and forth. Finally, in the midst of the yelling, the King of Washonan declared "Execute him!".
At this, they all fell silent again. "What?" said some of the Elders from the Southern Kingdoms. "That is hardly called for. This man may be mad, but he has done nothing to deserve execution."
"Is that so? Can you not see what he has done to us? How we are all fighting? For all we know, the enemy is marching at our door right now!" And a great fear came upon them all.
"What do you say in your defense? " the Counsel asked.
But Cur'Raden was finished speaking. He would not answer their questions.
"Then it is decided, " cried the Washonan King. "Execute him now before he tears us apart any more than he has already done!"
"I accept your verdict, " Cur'Raden answered. And they fell silent once again. Then he turned to the Elf Guard standing with the Counsel. "Do as your masters have commanded." To this, they looked at the King of Washonan, who then nodded in agreement.
So it was that Cur'Raden was bound as the Counsel watched, then taken to the central courtyard of the city of Washonan where the Great Tree of Elven Society grew. There he was bound to the Tree as the citizens of Washonan gathered around. Many people from the Southern Kingdom were there and they cried out in anger and sadness, for they had grown to love their Prophet in the Wilderness. Then three Elf Archers took up position and Cur'Raden was put to death with arrows to the heart. As soon as his breath left his body, a dark storm formed over the city and an earth quake shook its foundations. Then, to the people's horror, the Great Tree withered in front of their eyes, and all of its leaves fell dead to the ground.
The King of Washonan ordered the body to be removed and placed into a cell for protection against theft, until the crowds from the Southern Kingdoms dispersed and went home.