Reference: Names, Places, Events
Notable Characters, NPC, Monsters, Organizations:
Agent of Darkness: A person or creature empowered by the Dark Magic of the Undead.
Ancient Stewards: A race of beings that were created before the Peoples of the Known World to act as Stewards of the Cosmos.
Aolin (aye-OH-lin): Elf Queen of Effrendell, Northern Kingdom of the Elves. Wife of Eletroth. Mother of Princess Alta.
Alta (ALL-tah): Pricess Alta, daughter of King Eletroth and Queen Aolin of Effrendell. Member of the Royal Court of Magicians.
Amdra (AM-drah): Amdra Tishmin, former wife of Keldron Tishmin, former member of the Tishmin Cult.
Ashardalon (a-SHAR-dah-lahn): An ancient Red Dragon who was comissioned by Da'rook to rule over the Monster Races in the Northern Wildlands.
Ava (AYE-vah): Queen Ava the Beautiful, second Queen of D'nashk Re'at. Wife of King Holgar.
Balor Demon (BAL-lore): The General of the Demonic Legions.
Barik (BAR-rik): Human from the Northern Kingdoms of Men who fell in love with an Elf woman named Estra.
Bomar (BOH-mahr): Price Bomar, Commander of the Royal Guard. Second son of King Fulskatar and Queen Ree'an.
Breeta (BREE-tah): Joint Head Practitioner of the Royal Court of Magicians, former proto'ge' of Shreeva, trained Dream Walker. Wife of Keanot.
Brotherhood and Sisterhood of the Most High: Monks commissioned by the Royal Family to manage Monestaries in each major city, town and military outpost.
Circle of Kings and their Legions: Known as the Fallen Ones, they used to be Ancient Stewards before the Casting Out, now they are demonic beings thrust into the Dark Magic of the Undead, ruling over the Peoples of the Known World as demi gods and goddesses.
Count Strahd (Strahd): Former Captain of the Royal Guard, Governer of Barovia, former husband of Princess Lo'reean, Vampire traitor against the Royal Family.
Cur'Raden (kyir-RAH-din): An Elf from the Southern Kingdoms, known as the Prophet in the Wilderness and the one who was prophesied in the Sacred Writings of the Elves as the the Champion of the Most High.
Da'rook (dah-ROOK): A member of the Fallen Ones and the most clever of the Circle of Kings.
Drizzt Do'Urden (Drist doh-URR-den): Drow Prince and Ranger who has defected from his kin to join Effrendell, Nothern Kingdom of the Elves.
Drugar (DREW-gar): Captain of the Royal Guard who encountered the Goblin Priestess on the Island of Kerrindale.
Elders of the Kingdom: Elected representatives of each race who balance the power of the King and Queen in D'nashk Re'at.
Eletroth (EL-leh-trahth): Elf King and Elder of Effrendell, Northern Kingdom of the Elves. Husband of Queen Aolin. Father of Princess Alta.
Estra (ESS-trah): Mother of Cur'Raden. Elf woman who fell in love with Barik, Human from the Northern Kingdoms of Men.
Fallen Ones: see "Circle of Kings and their Legions".
Fulskatar (FULL-skuh-tahr): Fulskatar the Great, first King of D'nashk Re'at. Former husband of Queen Ree'an. Father of King Holgar, Prince Bomar and Princess Lo'reean.
Goblin Priestess: Spiritual leader of the Goblins on the Island of Kerrindale.
Holgar (HOLE-gahr): Second King of D'nashk Re'at. First son of King Fulskatar and Queen Ree'an.
Kagron (KA-gron): A Golden Dragon who has defected from Ashardalon and hidden in disguise of a Half-Elf among the Northern Kingdoms of Men.
Keanot (KEE-ah-not): Joint Head Practitioner of the Royal Court of Magicians, former proto'ge' of Maargog. Husband of Breeta.
Keldron (KELL-drun): Keldron Tishmin, former husband of Amdra Tishmin, founding member of the Tishmin Cult.
King of Washanan: Corrupt Elf King of the Middle Elf Kingdoms.
Klak (Klak): Kobold Sorcerer who unleased a Zombie Dragon against Durkel Village, outside of Greystone Castle.
Lolth (LAHL-th): Member of the Fallen Ones, demi-goddess of the Drow Peoples, member of the Circle of Kings.
Lo'reean (LOH-ree-ahn): Pricess Lo'reean. Daughter of King Fulskatar and Queen Ree'an. Former wife of Count Strahd.
Maargog (MAR-gog): The Emperor of Da'rahad and Wielder of the Dark Magic of the Undead who was prophesied in the Sacred Writings of the Elves as the Champion Agent of Darkness of the Circle of Kings.
Methra (MEH-thrah): Worshipper of Lolth. Queen, High Priestess and Matriarch of Rhomduil, the largest city of the Drow.
Ministry of Heroes: Elite fighting group of D'nashk Re'at that stands against Agents of Darkness that threaten the Royal Family or the Kingdom.
Most High: Creator of the Cosmos, worshipped as the Most High God by the Kingdoms of the Elves and D'nashk Re'at.
Raven (RAY-ven): The Raven, second proto'ge' of Maargog after Keanot defected.
Ree'an (ree-AHN): Queen Consort Ree'an the Wise, first Queen of D'nashk Re'at. Former wife of King Fulskatar. Mother of King Holgar, Prince Bomar and Princess Lo'reean.
Royal Court of Magicians: Practitioners of the Magic of Nature, defenders of the Royal Family against the Dark Magic of the Undead.
Royal Family: King Fulskatar, Queen Ree'an, King Holgar, Queen Ava, Prince Bomar, Princess Lo'reean.
Royal Guard: Soldiers in the service of D'nashk Re'at (though most other kingdoms also have their own Royal Guards).
Shreeva (SHREE-vah): Favored wife of Maargog, trained Dream Walker.
Ul'derrin (ule-DARE-rin): Current King of the Half-Orcs.
Ulgrid (ULE-grid): First King of the Half-Orcs (and the name of their Capital city).
Notable Places:
Barovia (bah-ROE-viah): Town where Castle Ravenloft is located, on the edge of the Eastern Mountains in D'nashk Re'at.
D'nashk Re'at (d-NAHSHK-raye-AHT): The Kingdom of the Free which came into existence during the Second Great Invitation, and is the kingdom that the Ministry of Heroes serves.
Da'rahad (DAH-rah-hahd): The Kingdom of Darkness ruled over by Emperor Maargog.
Durkel (Der-kull): Small village outside of Greystone Castle that was decimated by a Zombie Dragon.
Effrendell (EFF-fren-dell): Largest Northern Kingdom of the Elves.
Eranolin (air-ruh-NO-lin): Capital city of Effrendell, Northern Kingdoms of the Elves.
Firestorm Peak: An active volcano in the Northern Mountains of D'nashk Re'at where Ashardalon coordinated an attack against the kingdom.
Garrenfold (GARE-ren-fold): Major town on the Island of Kerrindale.
Kel'Calathorn (KELL-kal-lah-thorn): Home of the Royal Court of Magicians and Place of Refuge for the Royal Family.
Kerrindale (KEER-rin-dale): Island off the west coast of D'nashk Re'at.
Landreer (lan-DREER): Capital city of D'nashk Re'at, home of the Royal Family, Royal Guard and Cathedral of the Most High.
Longbridge: Military outpost in D'nashk Re'at close to Firestorm Peak.
Mithril Mines (MITH-rill): Part of the Dwarven Kingdoms where the Balor Demon was summoned by Drow Wizards.
Olindook (ALL-lin-dook): Major town north of Zule in D'nashk Re'at, close to the Tishmin Village.
Olingrol (ALL-lin-grahl): Major town on the west coast of D'nashk Re'at, close to Longbride.
Ravenloft: Former home of Count Strahd and Princess Lo'reean, Military Outpost for the town of Barovia.
Rhomduil (rom-DOO-ill): Capital city of the Drow Kingdoms.
Tishmin Village and Estate: Private town and residence north of Olindook where the Tishmin Cult was formed.
Washonan (wah-SHO-nan): Capital city of the Middle Elf Kingdoms.
Western Wall: Mountain range on the Island of Kerrindale.
Zule (ZOOL): Sister-City to Landreer, home of the Elders of the Kingdom.
Notable Things, Concepts, Powers:
Common Law: The written Law of D'nashk Re'at.
Dark Magic of the Undead: A corrupted form of Magic given to the Fallen Ones by the Most High to enable them to act as demi-gods.
Elven Cursed Water: An odorless, tasteless poison that is gradual and difficult to track.
Elven Spring Water: A gift of hospitality from the Elves that allows the other Peoples of the Known World to slow down their aging process.
King's Seal: Powerful amulets that give the Ministry of Heroes healing/resurrection powers and prevent them from becoming the Undead.
Knowledge of the Most High: An accurate understanding of the Most High's Character, Deeds, Commandments and Promises.
Magic of Nature: A gift from the Most High to the Ancient Stewards to fulfill their Destiny as Stewards of the Cosmos.
Sacred Writings: The Knowledge of the Most High in written form passed down from the Ancient Stewards to the Elves during the First Great Invitation.
Space-Time Anomaly: An inter-dimensional volume created by Keanot at Kel'Calathorn, with shifted space and time properties.
Notable Historic Events:
Casting Out: The beginning of the Second Age when the Fallen Ones and the Peoples of the Known World were banished from the Throne of the Most High.
First Age: The first Age of the Campaign World History when the Most High created the cosmos and everything in it.
First Great Invitation: When the Most High first appeared to all the Peoples of the Known World in a series of dreams and called any who were willing to return to the Knowledge of the Most High and the Magic of Nature. Most of the Elves responded but some went on to become the Drow.
Great Banquet: A future celebration promised to all followers of the Most High.
Great Debate: (Also called the Cultural Divide) when the Elves split in opinion over who should be exposed to the Magic of Nature.
Great Exodus: When People from all the other kingdoms migrated to D'nashk Re'at in response to the Second Great Invitation.
Second Age: The current Age in the Campaign World History, which began with the Casting Out.
Second Great Invitation: When the Most High appeared a second time to all the Peoples of the Known World in a series of dreams and called any who were willing to return to the Knowledge of the Most High and the Magic of Nature under the banner of His servant, Fulskatar the Great.