Atlas: Barovia and Castle Ravenloft
Area Map
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During the early settlement period of the Kingdom, a small, remote military outpost called Ravenloft was built along the edge of the Eastern Mountains, in the Grey Forest half way between Kaladron pass and Greystone Lake. A small village known as Barovia was established and many rural farms and ranches spread out from there.
Years later, Captain Strahd of the Royal Guard was commissioned to lead a sizable military force to clear out the organized gangs of thieves harassing the residents in the Barovia area. The campaign was successful and the Royal Family gave Captain Strahd a title of Count. Then they sent over 5000 residents to establish a larger, walled town on the site of the village Barovia and convert the military outpost of Ravenloft into a large castle. The town and castle were to be a shining example of the Second Generation of the Royal Family and their Legacy to the Kingdom of the Free.