Adventure: The Tishmin Cult
Introduction for Players - The Tishmin Cult
For first time players, please read the Campaign Overview on this site's home page. Then, read the Introduction to the Ministry of Heroes.
Year: 3012, according to the Calendar of the Elves:
The Town of Olindook is located in the Northern Hill Country region outside of Zule.
To the north of Olindook is a river valley that flows from the Northern Mountain Range along the boundary of the Kingdom. Nestled in the valley as far up as people can travel by horse and cart is a small Village and wealthy Estate House that belong to the Tishmin Clan.
Tishmin Village and Estate were founded only a few years ago, and are not an official settlement effort by the Kingdom, but a private Family venture. Because the Royal Guard does not patrol up that far, the Tishmin Family has hired their own Personal Guard.
Recently, a request for help has come from the village to the Garrison at Olindook - some of the villagers have disappeared and there have been reported sightings of Goblins in the area. Normally, the Captain would have dispatched a patrol of Royal Guard to assist, but a Seer in Olindook has reported that a new cult has formed in the area, and they have recently summoned an Agent of Darkness who is powerful in the Dark Magic of the Undead.
Thus the Captain of the Royal Guard has sent word to Zule to ask if the Ministry of Heroes should be used to face the growing threat. As a response, the first official group of Heroes in D'nashk history has been dispatched to investigate the Tishmin Village and the Estate - and to vanquish the Agent of Darkness there...
Area Map
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Adventure Summary for GM
Warning: the information presented below is a spoiler alert for Players...
Details below for each Episode are provided at a summary level only. The number of minion monsters and the strength of the boss monster/s are not specified - the assumption here is the GM will flesh out those details based on the game engine being used, the experience of the players and the character levels.
In Episode 1, players will encounter a caravan of villagers on the road trying to escape to Olindook. After talking with the first NPC - a Personal Guard named Reginald - and securing a key to the Village Armory and Estate Armory, players must defend the villagers against an attack from a Warg Rider and pack of Hunting Wolves who were sent to slow down the caravan. Then, the players must decide how to approach the Tishmin Village which has been occupied by a force of Goblins and Hobgoblins. There they will find the second NPC - the Commander of the Personal Guard - who is being interrogated by a Hobgoblin Captain. The Captain is searching for the Key to the Armories (which had been given to Reginald as he left with the villagers). Players must rescue the Commander, clear the Village of all monsters, and plunder the Armory for better weapons/armor.
By the end of Episode 1, players will know that the lord and lady of the estate had enlisted some of their Personal Guard and a group of villagers to help build a secret Temple in the cave system that starts at a waterfall farther up the river valley. Everyone who was involved in this secret project was recently gathered at the estate for some sort of ceremony, but now all of them have disappeared and the Estate and Village have been overrun by Goblins. Something is suspicious about all of these events, especially since one of the Personal Guards has turned out to be a traitor and was working with the Hobgoblin Captain.
In Episode 2, players will initially be attacked by a swarm of Cursed Undead Ravens as they make their way to the Tishmin Estate. Once they arrive, players must clear the Estate of all monsters, find a map in the main bed chamber that shows the location of a secret entrance to the cave system, discover a Book of Dark Magic in the study and collect it for evidence (it cannot be used by the Heroes), and fight a Monster Patrol and a Troll who were placed to guard the Estate Armory (which does hold some useful magic items for the Heroes).
By the end of Episode 2, none of the missing villagers have been found yet and the Heroes will have a choice of how to approach the secret Temple hidden inside the cave system: they can go through the secret entrance (assuming the map was found), or they can follow the trail up the river valley and enter through the waterfalls. The sequence of encounters is different depending on the choice.
In Episode 3, if the players found the map to the secret entrance, they will have to avoid a rolling bolder trap, get past a monster soldier checkpoint, fight their way through the barracks, and then onto the central hall of the Temple. If the players approach from the waterfall entrance, they will have to get past a group of archers who are higher up on the ridge as look-outs, avoid a trap at the waterfall entrance itself, get past a monster soldier checkpoint, find a key on a Hobgoblin Captain that unlocks the main gate, then onto the the central hall.
From the central hall, there are doors/hallways to the following: a large cave with an Ogre; a storage room with loot from the Tishmin Estate (and a few more magic items that are useful to the Herores); a jail cell with some corrupt Personal Guards and the third NPC = Amdra Tishmin, lady of the estate (who is the only survivor left of the original group of villagers that went missing) who is currently locked up and waiting to be sacrificed as fuel for a Dark Magic Summons; the main Temple Room where a Wraith is in the middle of casting the next summons using Keldron, the lord of the Estate, as the sacrifice (the Wraith = the main Agent of Darkness that must be defeated for the Adventure to be successful, and it is too late to save Keldron), and also a large number of skeletons that are left-over from previous summons. The skeletons are now undead Soldiers ready to fight on behalf of the Wraith. And, when the summons is completed, 2 Hell Hounds will appear and join the fight...
Amdra, the final NPC to be encountered, will fill-in the rest of the story for the players. From her they will learn that her and her husband, Keldron, were dis-satisfied with the cultural version of the religion passed down from their parents and chose to build this Estate away from the town of Olindook so they could practice the Dark Magic of the Undead secretly (which is forbidden by the Common Law of D'nashk). When they made contact with someone in the Northern Wildlands they were excited and followed orders to build a Temple. When the Temple was complete, they used animal sacrifice to summon this mysterious person who turned out to be a Wraith. The Wraith immediately killed half of the guards and convinced the others to obey it, and all the villagers were jailed. One by one, each has been used as a sacrifice to bring in monsters under the command of the Wraith...
Reginald, the first NPC to be encountered, carries a Key that unlocks both the Village Armory (that holds normal weapons and armor), and a chest in the basement of the Estate (that hols some magic items).
Heroes will discover this Book of Dark Magic in the Study during Episode 2. While they cannot use it (for they bear the King's Seal), they can confiscate it as evidence.
If the Heroes approach the Secret Temple from the Waterfall Entrance, they will have to find this Key that unlocks a Gate. The Hobgoblin Captain stationed at the Gate has it.
There is a map hidden in the main bed chamber of the Estate, in a false drawer bottom, that shows where the Secret Entrance to the Temple is located from the basement of the Estate.
Reginald is a Personal Guard hired by the Tishman Family. He used to be part of the Royal Guard before taking this position, and is therefore familiar with the Ministry of Heroes protocol. He is part of the very first encounter in Episode 1. He has been given the Key to the Village and Estate Armories to keep them out of enemy hands, and he is charged with leading the Villagers to safety in Olindook.
Reginald's Story for the Players:
For one year after the Estate was built, a secret construction project was done, and a small group of Personal Guards and Villagers who were involved were sworn to secrecy. But one night, after too much grog, one of the villagers told the rest that a secret Temple has been constructed farther up the river valley, under the waterfall there, inside a cave system.
Apparently, there is more than one way into the Temple - the slow, difficult path that follows the river, and a secret tunnel that connects somewhere inside the Estate.
The Tishmin Family was rumored to keep a map (artifact) that identifies where the secret tunnel is located, and how to open the secret door. The map is probably in the study or the main bed chamber somewhere.
Just before the Goblins showed up, all of the villagers who were involved in the secret construction were called to the Etstate for some special gathering, and now no one knows what has happened to them. The Personal Guards at the Estate have also disappeared and the whole place has been over-run. When Reginald left, there was smoke rising up from the house.
As the Villagers began their escape, Reginald was told to escort them back to Olindook, and his Commander gave him a key (artifact) to the Village and Estate Armories, so the items would not fall into enemy hands:
Village armory (in the back room of a building, on the north west corner of the market place) has normal weapons
Estate armory (in a locked chest, somewhere in the basement) has some magic items.
Based on the layout of the land and the surrounding vegetation, in case his brothers-in-arms are not able to hold back the enemy much longer, this is how the Heroes can approach the Village:
You can go into town on the Main Road.
You can enter quietly in an alley way just south of the Market Place.
You can enter quietly behind the Armory Building which has a back door, that his key will open.
The Commander is in charge of the Personal Guard for the Tishmin Estate. He used to be part of the Royal Guard before taking this position, and is therefore familiar with the Ministry of Heroes protocol. When the Players encounter him during Episode 1, he is in the Village Market Square being interrogated by a Hobgoblin Captain who is trying to find the Key to the Armories.
The Commander's Story for the Players:
A few days ago, a small group of villagers were invited to the Estate house, along with the Personal Guards assigned there, for a secret meeting. They had been working together to build a secret Temple inside the caves that connect the Estate to the Waterfall just up the river valley a few miles.
When none of them returned the next day, and none of the Guards either, for some are scheduled to rotate with the Guards here in the village, I sent one of my men to see what was going on. He returned a few hours later saying no one was at the Estate House at all – it was completely abandoned.
So I and a few other Guards went to the Estate to search for more information, and there in the courtyard we were attacked by Goblins! We have no idea where they came from or where the others had disappeared to. We were forced to retreat and immediately sent a messenger to Olindook with this news. We also setup a barricade on the bridge that was manned at all times by two Guards.
I assume, since you are here, that the messenger arrived at Olindook to report the news. A few more days went by without any incident, then one of the missing Guards from the Estate suddenly showed up at the barricade declaring that a patrol of Goblins was right behind him. He was let through the barricade.
When I questioned him for details, he claimed the Goblins came from some hidden pass along the Northern Mountain Range, and that more were coming behind them. When I asked where all the others disappeared to, and why he was the only one who made it back, he gave me a strange look and answered: they were all hiding in the caves and he came back to warn the rest of the villagers.
I did not have a chance to question him more, because the Goblin Patrol showed itself on the other side of the river, and they had Archers with them. They began shooting arrows at the barricade, and the Guards had to keep low under cover.
That’s when I made the decision to send all of the villagers back to Olindook at once, with one of my men to escort them. His name is Reginald and I gave him the key to the Village and Estate Armories so that they would not fall into enemy hands.
Then, before I could gather my men and work out some more defense strategies, we were betrayed! That Guard who came from the Estate murdered my other two men at the bridge and opened the barricade for the Enemy to invade us! I swear if I find him again I will kill him! The last time I saw him, he was waiting in the Village Armory, hoping that I give up the key, so he could please his new Hobgoblin Master!
Amdra Tishmin is the Lady of the Estate. She is encountered during Episode 3 in a jail cell within the Temple, waiting to be sacrificed next by the Agent of Darkness (the Wraith), to usher in more Monster Soldiers from over the mountains. She is the only villager left alive by the time the Heroes find her.
Amdra's Story for the Players:
The Tishmin Clan migrated from the Middle Kingdoms of Men and were part of the original Olindook Settlement.
While the Clan joyfully accepted the Common Law, they were not ready to receive the Knowledge of the Most High, so they chose to continue to worship the gods of their fathers. Because the practice of the Dark Magic of the Undead is forbidden, the Clan learned to interpret their ancient religion as a culture expression of identity and world view, but not as an active Dark Magic ritual system.
A young man, Keldron Tishmin, took over his father's estate in Olindook and became a very wealthy merchant. After marriage, he and his wife Amdra became dis-satisfied with the cultural version of their religion and decided to establish an Estate and Village as far north as they could along the River Valley so they could pursue the religion of their ancestors in private.
When warned by the Olindook Captain of the Royal Guard that he could not guarantee protection that far north, the Tishmin Family replied that they would hire their own Personal Guards. Thus, the Tishmin Village and Estate were established and the folks there kept to themselves except once a week, when a caravan would go back and forth to the Olindook markets.
The Tishmin Family wasted no time reviving the Dark Magic rituals of the ancient Clan religion according to instructions from a Dark Magic Book that was preserved years ago by the Clan. Using animal sacrifices, they came into contact with a mysterious person on the other side of the Northern Mountains. They were delighted to make contact with someone else who practiced the Dark Magic of the Undead, and following that person's instructions, the Tishmin Family began construction of a secret Temple in a cave system that connected to their Estate.
They day finally came when the mysterious person was summoned - all the Villagers and Personal Guards who secretly helped build the Temple gathered to witness the arrival of their long awaited guest - and to everyone's horror it turned out to be a Wraith.
Immediately things went bad as the Wraith attacked and killed half of the Personal Guards in a swift battle, then commanded the others to obey or be converted into the Undead forever. So the Guards gathered the other Villagers and put them into the prison cells here. Then, Monster Soldiers were sent to the Estate to strip it of all valuables, to retrieve the Book of Dark Magic, the Map to the Temple, and to secure the Armory.
Her husband, Keldron, and Amdra only wanted to secretly practice their ancestor's religion - they did not know the Wraith was in charge of a Goblin Company of Soldiers in the Northern Wildlands, and that it was looking for opportunity to start an invasion of the Kingdom along the northern border. They were also horrified to learn the Wraith preferred to sacrifice people rather than animals, as the resulting spells were more potent.
One by one, the Villagers have been taken away, never to return, and more Monsters keep showing up.
Yesterday, the last Villager was taken and some sort of huge beast was summoned. She does not know what it was, but it was terrifying to listen to and the ground shook with each step as it was led off to one of the other caves. Then, just this morning, Keldron was taken. The Wraith said that he would be able to use his body to summon some special pets, for Keldron had already started to progress in the Dark Magic of the Undead and was a worthy sacrifice for the cause.
Keldron has not returned. Amdra is the last one, and no doubt she would have followed in their steps soon if not being rescued by the Heroes.
She is saddened that her family has caused this great calamity, and no doubt will turn away from Dark Magic Ritual for good - assuming she makes it out of here alive...
Dungeon Maps:
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​NOTE: Heroes will encounter NPC Reginald and a group of Villagers on the road before the Village, and then must immediately defend against a Warg Rider and pack of Wolves who are in pursuit from the Village.
Main Street: A group of Goblins arguing loudly, trying to setup a barricade.
Town Center: A group of Goblins, Hobgoblin Archers and Wolves waiting in ambush for anyone who walks through the center of town.
Alley: A group of Goblins and Hobgoblin Archers huddled around a pile of loot from the surrounding buildings, discussing how to divide the plunder.
Main Market Square - Commander NPC is being interrogated by a Hobgoblin Captain, accompanied by Goblin Soldiers. The Captain is looking for the Key to the Armories.
Village Armory: in the front room are some Goblins and a Corrupt Personal Guard. They have dozed off waiting for the Commander to give up the Key. The back room holds normal weapons and armor. There is a locked back door to the Armory, but there is a falling rock trap that has been set.
Bridge: a group of Hobgoblin Archers are posted to prevent anyone from crossing the bride.
​NOTE: Heroes will be attacked by a Cursed Raven Swarm before reaching the Estate.
Court Yard: ​ An ambush of Goblins and Hobgoblin Archers is waiting.
Stables: Empty except for a covered pit trap, and a horse that belongs to a Hobgoblin Captain.
Entrance Hall: Empty.
Dining Room: A Goblin, a Hobgoblin Captain and two Hobgoblin Archers are hiding behind an over-turned table. Captain will jump over and rush the Herores, Archers will fire arrows, and the Goblin will make a dash for the Kitchen Door (6) to let out a pack of Wolves who are barking and waiting for battle.
Study: a green book lies in the middle of the floor among the ashes of other books. The Hobgoblin Captain had followed orders to throw all books in the center of the room and light them on fire to reveal the Book of Dark Magic used by the Tishmin Family to perform Summons, and bring it back to the Wraith in the Temple. Heroes may confiscate for evidence to be presented to the Royal Guard.
Kitchen: Pack of Wolves waiting to be let out (4).
​7. Sitting Room: looted and plundered, a Goblin was watching at the window when the Herores first arrived, but is no longer here.
8. Main Bed Chamber: Group of Goblins are searching for the map to the hidden entrance. It is located in a false drawer bottom.
​9. Goblin Patrol with Hobgoblin Archers, playing a dice game. 10. Estate Armory (a locked chest) guarded by a Troll. 11. Tunnel that leads to the Temple.
NOTE: If Heroes have found the map to the secret Tunnel Entrance, they will start at (4). If not, they will have to travel up the valley and enter through the Waterfalls at (1). In that case, the Heroes will be attacked by Hobgoblin Archers posted to watch the River Valley Trail, before arriving at the Waterfall Entrance.
Waterfall Entrance: Poison Dart Trap. If sprung, it will alert the Monster Patrol stationed in (2).
Monster Patrol: Hobgoblin Captain, Goblins, Hobgoblin Archers, Wolves. Captain holds a Key that will unlock the gate. If Heroes approach from inside Temple, there is a latch on the wall to open the gate.
​Swarm of Bats.
Rolling Bolder Trap
Rat Swarm.
Monster Patrol: Hobgoblin Captain, Goblins, Hobgoblin Archers, Wolves.
Main Temple Hall. Empty.
Jail cell with 3 Corrupt Personal Guards watching over NPC Amdra Tishmin. Heroes can hear woman's voice in distress from Temple Hall.
Storage room with loot from Estate + some Magic Items.
Goblin Barracks - 1/3 full with Goblins, Archers, Wolves, a Hobgoblin Captain.
Main Temple Room: Agent of Darkness = Wraith + multiple Skeleton Soldiers/Archers who are remains from previous Summons. When Heroes enter, the last Summons is completing, using Keldron, lord of the Estate as the sacrifice. When finished, two Hell Hounds will appear and join the fight.
Large cave with a big, smelly Ogre.